Friday, 20 August 2010


The greatest organisational structure is where there are no titles, but where people fulfil particular roles for which they are;

1. Qualified

2. Empowered

3. Equipped

4. Trained

5. Accountable.

Titles or strong hierarchies of leadership can at times be a psychological hindrance to strategic success. Instead of fulfilling the role as described, people can be motivated to work towards meeting the needs of the manager or supervisor. I have suffered from this in the past.

Let’s stop trying to look good, and be good at what we do, fulfilling with joy the task set before us, not as though working for man, but for Christ.

I am determined on have two chairs at the table of my success, I will occupy one chair, and I will only allow God (and those who speak on His behalf), to sit in the other. I will lean in and listen to His voice, and walk and work with His divine power to fulfill my tasks.

This is my goal.


Friday, 4 June 2010

Bible on a treadmill

I have recently began a slow walk on a treadmill, (non powered) and it sits in front of a TV. Sally and I have on video the dramatisation of the book of Acts. So I walk as the disciples go about Kingdom business.

Over the past few days my thoughts have been on prayer and how the Holy Spirit is a vital force in our lives particularly with regard to prayer. More on my thoughts of prayer another time, but this morning as I watched (walked with the disciples), I noticed that when the disciples prayed for those who were newly converted to receive the Holy Spirit, those who were prayed for spontaneously bursted with joy and laughter. The interested thing is that as I watch, I also innately responded with a like joy and laughter. It reminded me that I have this same Spirit within me. That I am not alone, and that I am connected to those first disciples. They like you are my spiritual brothers. We are one in the bond of Love (the Spirit of God).

I walk and work and rest and eat today, as one with God, and also with you, if you have this same Spirit within you. I am connected to the one who is all!
