Friday, 21 January 2011

The New Miss America

I do not normally follow beauty pageants, but this one caught my eye.

Last Saturday, 17-year-old Nebraska-born, Teresa Scanlan, was crowned Miss America, the youngest winner since 1937. 

Four of the many interesting facts to know about this poised pageant winner are that she's aiming for the White House, she doesn't hide her dedication to God, she is the middle child of seven and she was home schooled.

She penned her thoughts and prayers daily during the week of the Miss Nebraska competition. While reading 2 Tim. 2:15: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth," she meditated on the verse and wrote the following prayer:

"Dear God, please help me to be a diligent servant not only today but from here on out. Give me the strength and wisdom to accurately handle your word of truth and the diligence and perseverance necessary to be a worker who is not ashamed. I wish to be a shining light for you, a glowing example of who you are, and a grain of salt in a tasteless world. Whether or not this is achieved through a position, crown, title, or job, please place me exactly where you need me to be an effective ambassador for you. I am clay in your hands, your humble servant, willing to do whatever you wish for me in your perfect plan. I love you so much and thank you for blessing me so tremendously and bestowing such outstanding opportunity on me. My greatest wish is to exemplify your love through my words and actions in order to bring others to you. Your Loving Daughter, Teresa."

A leader at 17.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Harvey Carey on Prayer

Harvey Carey, founder and senior pastor of Citadel of Faith Covenant Church in Detroit, Michigan was recently recorded saying...

“Why is it that our business meetings, our strategy meetings, our management meetings far eclipse our prayer meetings? In your calendar do you not spend as much time in your personal prayer life, seeking God, asking Him for His direction, as you do in your management and strategy meetings?

If the truth be told the average Christian leader spends more time in management and strategy meetings than we ever do talking to God. How are we going to think that we are going to further the work of the Church of God, the Kingdom of God, the things of God, without God. We are doing these things and we are doing them by human ability and doing them with human intelligence and human capital. If we have got enough money we will do it, if we have enough staff we will do it, if we have got enough buy in from the congregation we will do it, it is us doing it.

And God is saying to us if you are going to do my work it requires my presence. And so we have got to pull away from this man made management of God’s Kingdom. For unless the Lord builds the house the labourers work in vain.

You cannot make the Kingdom like you make a widget.

God is real, prayer is real, the Word of God is real. God is asking that if My people who are called by My name, would not abandon thinking, not abandon their brain, but come to me first, and generally give Me the same about of energy that you give to the other piece. We have not given the same amount of energy to our God, as we have to own ability. It not an either or. Keep thinking, for God gave us that, but it is spirit and truth. It cannot be the add-on, “God meet us with our plan.”

When you allow God in this equation, whatever you have done to this point that was your idea, you saw what you could do, but watch what God can do”

Are we are stuck in a rut of meetings without power?  What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

John Wesley quote

Jesus Way

I am no longer my own, but yours.
Put me to what You will, 
                        rank me with whom You will;
Put me to doing, put me to suffering;
Let me be employed for You
                        or laid aside for You;
Let me be full, let me empty;
Let me have all things,
                        let me have nothing;
I freely and heartily yield all things to
                       Your pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You are mine, and I am yours forever.
So be it!
                       John Wesley (1703-1791)

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

How to pray

Thanks to the skit guys for hitting the mark

Walk humbly with your God today.

Monday, 17 January 2011

He knows Me

He knows me
                    He knows my every thought
                    He formed my heart
I have a Maker
                    Before even time began
                    my life was in His hand.
He calls me His own
                    He'll never leave
                    me no matter
                    where I go
I have a Father
                    He sees each tear that falls
                    and hears me when I call.

                                           Tommy Oliver (1994)

Friday, 14 January 2011

A poem of Steve Beattle

Peace - Steve Beattle
Heart pumping
Stomach churning
Soul ever yearning

Stressed out
Too many burdens

Scurry, hurry
Too much to do
Not enough time
Living a life of no reason
No rhyme

Needing Peace
To be still
To be quiet
Where to find it
To quell
The internal riot

From our strength?
Our internal will?
Incense, chanting
Nothing will ever fill

The place in our soul
Where God longs to dwell
To bring Peace to our heart
While here on this Earth
This version of hell

Children of God
Captives set free
Hurried, harried
We no longer need to be

Saved from the wilderness
Set in the promised land
Daily allow your heart to rest
In His loving hand

Be still
And know that He is God
Let your worries
And your stress be released
Understand that Jesus Christ our Saviour
Is Jehovah Shalom
The Lord our Peace.

I love Eugene Paterson's version of Matt 11:28-30 (The Message)

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me.
Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

Lord, help me to grasp tightly to your ways.  Help me to prioritise time with you, to rest with you, to listen to you, to be connected to you.  That your ways and your character maybe formed in me.  Amen!